We Understand. As a Law firm that is comprised of people just like you, we get it. This is an incredible and emotional event. It’s so important to make sure you have a competent attorney. The orders/judgments that the court issues in these cases will have a lifetime effect on you and your children. To revisit the courts after the initial divorce decree is costly and in most cases ineffective, it is imperative that you get a handle on this matter immediately and allow us to fight for all of your rights. You must be heard in these cases. As a law firm that has handled an enormous amount of these type cases we feel very confident in our abilities to make sure you are protected and considered, both short term and long term.
Alimony, property, assets, bank accounts, child custody, spousal support and even Inherited property comes in front of the court, be prepared and the best results are just that, they have been prepared properly by trained professionals and presented to the judge as evidence, simply put, the courts are too busy to go through documents not presented properly, please hire a professional for the best outcome.
We at Legis Law are extremely sorry that you are going through this, we truly are, but please rest assured, we will get through this together, please give us a call for a legal consultation.
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